Monday 28 January 2008

yes stand by your man.

Yes an talking to you Cheryl Cole stand by your man.Relationships are hard and difficult,and living in the public eye makes it more worst.It is all good and well when the the public see you as the dream couple,the one most people admire.It is clear your man has done something horrible and bad to you and to the vows you both said during that OK magazine sponsored wedding.I know your man,your lover,your friend,and your husband have betrayed you,and to make matters worst all the world knows about is embarrassing,humiliating,and a huge shame for the world to witness your agony,but you know what,suck it up and forget the public for once.
After all the crying and screaming and throwing of stuffs,you need to take a deep breath and take stock.You know what is best for you,if you feel you can still make some thing work with this man you promised to spend the rest of life with,then do something about it.Forget the papers,forget the slut who did not hesitate to open her legs for a married man and is enjoying publicity for it.You courted publicity with your relationship,so expect the public backlash,you need to take a deep breath work and walk with your man during this difficult time.i just have a feeling you guys can still make it.Am not saying you should suffer fools and stay to save face,stay because you know in your gut that you can still make it right.better still have a talk with Victoria beckham.

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